2023 Nov 23 Events | 活動小聚
感謝國立宜蘭大學創新育成中心邀請,讓我們有機會在宜蘭大學舉辦 Xfail失敗者小聚 / 向失敗學習成功!這次活動不僅僅只是個人分享講座,更重要的是「#勇敢分享」的重要性。

特別感謝兩位傑出的講者扎實和工頭堅,他們不僅回顧了自己的過去,更以誠懇的態度分享了寶貴的經歷。 每一段人生都是一部成長的故事,而這次的演講讓我們更加明白,在這一生中,總會遇到一些對自己影響深遠的人。想像一下,如果當初沒有遇到那些人,現在的自己可能會是什麼模樣呢?這次活動讓我們感受到,許多故事和秘密都潛藏在檯面下,而這些故事正是我們彼此之間深層次連結的力量所在。 再次特別感謝宜蘭大學創新育成中心 Emma Lin,讓大家或學生在讀書或工作日常中,還能夠透過這樣的演講活動,共同體會「#勇敢分享」的重要性,一同成長,一同創造更多美好的故事。
[ENG] Grateful for the invitation from Emma Lin at the National Ilan University Innovation and Incubation Center (國立宜蘭大學創新育成中心), giving us the opportunity to organize the Xfail at Ilan University! This event is not just a personal sharing session; it emphasizes the importance of "#CourageousSharing." Special thanks to the outstanding speakers Solid and Ken for not only reviewing their past but also sincerely sharing their valuable experiences. Every life is a story of growth, and this talk helped us understand more deeply that in this lifetime, we will encounter people who profoundly influence us. Imagine if we hadn't met those individuals—what would our present selves look like? This event made us realize that many stories and secrets lie beneath the surface, and these narratives are the powerful connections that bind us together. Once again, special thanks to Emma for allowing us, whether professionals or students in our daily academic or work routine, to collectively experience the importance of "#CourageousSharing" through such enlightening talks.
Let's grow together and create even more beautiful stories. #Workation